How Using Your Instagram As a Dating Funnel Will Change Your Life

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This is the most effective way to date as a high status man on social media...


Watch the video about to find out how you should be using your Instagram as a funnel for all of the girls you're meeting in all different areas of your life.


Never let another girl slip through the cracks by turning your IG into a CRM or relationship management system - pulling in new girls to your IG funnel, nurturing them with curated high status content, then having them take an action like meeting you for drinks, sushi, at an event, club... the list goes on and on.


We know that when it comes to dating having a great personal brand is key. That’s why we want to help you create one that will make your dating life easier and more successful.

Click here to watch the full video

Want to learn more? Click the button below and watch our FREE training on the 6 Secrets to 10xing your Social Status 


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